„Orthodox Church Music” Foundation
2 T. Sołoniewicz str.
17-200 Hajnówka, Poland
tel. +48 85 682 20 89
Place of Festival realisation:
Podlasie Opera and Philharmonic in Białystok
2 Podleśna str. Poland
41 Międzynarodowy
Festiwal Muzyki Cerkiewnej
41th International Festival
of Orthodox Church Music
21 – 25.09.2022 r
Honorary Patronage
of the President of the Republic of Poland
Andrzej Duda
Patronage of the Polish Composers’ Union

Dear Performers and Guests
Distinguished Jurors
Dear Audience
It is with great pleasure that I invite you to listen to the concerts of Orthodox Church music within the 41st edition of the Festival organized by us. Once again, hoping for normality, we decided to hold the September meeting believing that the Festival will take place in the formula we planned, although still under specific conditions. We have not quite dealt with successive mutations of the covid virus, and we are already experiencing problems caused by the war in Ukraine. This has resulted in the absence of excellent choirs from Russia and Belarus, but also from other countries. The war has resulted in the perception of Orthodox Church music in many countries as Russian music, forgetting that the roots of Orthodoxy were in Kyiv. In Ukraine, where the war is ongoing, most choirs have suspended their activities, financial opportunities have deteriorated, and many choristers as refugees have found themselves abroad. Due to the state of war, travel abroad was also restricted for many male choristers. Noticing this, in solidarity with the Ukrainian people in this situation, we pay more attention to the Orthodox Church music of Ukrainian artists and Ukrainian-Polish musical relations. This will be the shape of the Inaugural Concert traditionally performed by our Laureate, this time the excellent Czestochowa Philharmonic’s Choir. In another special concert, we present Orthodox Church music created and performed in the Commonwealth of Poland. In the first part of the concert – the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, or more precisely its constituent part – the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. It will also be recalled by our Laureate, the Poznan Male Ensemble „Partes”. Founded and led by Bialystok resident Michał Łaszewicz, (who as a conductor, singer, arranger and composer shares his talent in significant cultural institutions in Poznan), it has been triumphing on national and international stages. The second part of this unique concert will be featured by the compositions by Polish contemporary artists. This will be different music, but, in my opinion, growing out of the tradition of Orthodox Church music performed in the first part of the concert. The preparation and presentation of several works was also undertaken by the Laureate of the IFOCM – Piotr Karpeta with Cantores Minores Wratislavienses Choir from Wrocław. Presented repertoire and professional performers who have been communing with Orthodox Church music for many years promise a wonderful spiritual and artistic feast. The next two days are the competition auditions with participation of parish, amateur secular, and professional choirs from Armenia, Egypt, Spain, Macedonia, Moldova, Palestine, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and Ukraine. The choir from Belarus will also take part. Currently it is located in Poland and consists of political refugees from Belarus. They call themselves a choir of free Belarus. Sunday is traditionally the joy of the winners at the results announcement and award ceremony, and the Gala Concert with the participation of the best choirs of this year’s Festival.
Let us add accompanying concerts, among them the 31st Warsaw Concert of Orthodox Church Music, which has been gaining great popularity among the capital’s cultural elite for years, the promotion of the latest report about the Festival and Festival publications, among them the recently released album about the 25th anniversary of the „Orthodox Church Music” Foundation in Hajnówka – the organizer of the Festival and many other interesting projects.
I would like to sincerely thank the Honorary and Media Patrons, Sponsors, Partners and cooperating Institutions, coworkers and all the kind people for their help in organizing this year’s edition of the Festival – „Festival of the Singing Soul”. I cordially thank you and invite you.
With expressions of respect
Mikołaj Buszko
„Ukraine and Poland in Orthodox Church Music”
Częstochowa Philharmonic’s Choir
“Collegium Cantorum” – Częstochowa, Poland
conductor: Janusz Siadlak
The beginnings of the choir date back to 1987 when Janusz Siadlak established his first choir. Experience gained over the years, and his great desire to create the highest quality performances led to the professionalization of the activities of the choir, which has been the artistic team of the Częstochowa Philharmonic since September 2012. The singers of the choir easily cope with different styles of music like classical music, opera music, a musical or popular music, as well as in contemporary compositions. The choir has toured in Poland, in most European countries, as well as in Argentina, Uruguay, Russia, China and the USA. The choir has made many premiers of works by Polish composers. Repeatedly invited by Zbigniew Preisner to collaborate on various projects related to film music and television productions. An important part of the activities of the choir are the authorial themed music shows and concerts presenting the richness and diversity of vocal music (from the very latest music, through the classical and opera music to popular music and musical jokes). Since 2018 the choir has been carrying out an extensive album “Anthology of Polish Works a cappella” (6 albums have been released so far). The choir’s choirmaster and conductor is continuously Janusz Siadlak – PhD of music arts of Music Academy in Cracow, graduate of Music Institute in Częstochowa and the postgraduate of School of Choral Studies at the Music Academy in Bydgoszcz. He participated in courses, seminars, symposia run by prominent conductors and representatives of world choral studies. He is initiator and creator of many artistic events. In years 2003- 2009 he was director of the choir in the “Śląsk” Song and Dance Ensemble. Winner of several dozens of prizes and statuettes for “The Best Conductor,” “Man of the Year.” Distinguished Culture Activist, laureate of awards of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage and the President of the City of Częstochowa, honored with a medal for Merit for Culture “Gloria Artis”, and many other prizes and awards won during competitions and festivals around the world.
- From the Suprasl Irmologion – Taste and see
- Mykola Diletsky – It is truly meet
- Dmitry Bortniansky – It is truly meet
- Maxim Berezovsky – All ye people
- Józef Kozłowski – I cry and sob
- Mykola Lysenko – Where shall I go
- Mykhailo Verbytsky – Lord’s prayer
- Ludomir Rogowski – Holy God
- Mykola Leontovych – Thee, O God, we praise
- Karol Szymanowski – Now lettest Thou
- Krzysztof Penderecki – Cherubic hymn
- Mykola Leontovych – On the river
- Romuald Twardowski – All creation
- Lesya Dychko – It is truly meet
- Dmitry Bortniansky – Mnohaya lita
„Orthodox Church Music of the Commonwealth of Poland”
“Partes” Orthodox Chant Chamber Ensemble – Poznań (Poland)
Conductor: Michał Łaszewicz
The Ensemble was formed in 2015. Its unique repertoire is the result of many years of research and careful selection of relics of the Orthodox vocal art of the nations of the First Polish Republic. The Ensemble’s concerts feature a story about the history of Orthodox Church chants. The artists perform dressed in specially designed costumes, inspired by the monastic style of the era. The Ensemble is expanding its repertoire and phonographic record – so far four albums have been released. The latest album „Sporos” was nominated for the prestigious music award Fryderyk 2022 in the category of choral album of the year. Media interest resulted in a number of TV and radio recordings. The Ensemble takes part in numerous festivals and special projects in Poland (laureate of IFOCM 2018) and abroad, and cooperates with many cultural institutions. The Ensemble’s founder and conductor is Michał Łaszewicz – graduate of the Music Academy in Poznań, vocalist, arranger, choirmaster, composer, pedagogue.
Treasures of Orthodox Chants of Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth
- Kontaktion of the Great Canon of Repentance of St. Andrew of Crete – My soul
- Suprasl Irmologion – fragments of the Great Polyeleos of Multan soloist: Łukasz Kocur
- Troparion of the Feast of Holy Cross – Thy Cross, znamenny chant
- I Antiphon – From my youth, early part chant
- Cherubic hymn, old Vilnius chant – Reconstruction Andrijs Selickis
- Exapostilarion of Pascha – In the flesh Thou didst fall asleep, Greek chant, early part chant 17th century
- Canticle of Simeon – Now lettest Thou, early Kyiv chant
- Great Vespers Antiphon – Blessed is the man, Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra chant
- Exapostilarion of Dormition of the Mother of God – O ye Apostles from afar, part chant
- It is truly meet, Suprasl Irmologion melody – Harmonization Michał Łaszewicz soloist: Bartosz Gorzkowski
- Megalynarion of the Feast of Theophany – Magnification of the Baptism of the Lord
Chamber Choir
Cantores Minores Wratislavienses – Wrocław (Poland)
Conductor: Piotr Karpeta

The Choir was formed in 1966 by Edmund Kajdasz. Repertoire consisting of over 1000 pieces covers all European music from the Middle Ages to contemporary music. The choir has performed over 2,600 concerts so far, made over 100 radio, TV and CD recordings (over 40 albums), performed at numerous festivals (Laureate of IFOCM 2019), in most European countries, as well as in Israel, Turkey, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Mexico. Recorded in 2007, the album from the series Musica Claromontana vol. 21 with works by Józef Elsner was nominated for the Fryderyk Award. In 2014-2016, the choir realized the Rudolphina project (recording of the 17th-century music collections of Jerzy Rudolf, the Prince of Legnica and Brzeg), and in 2021, the film Mass and Protestant Chant in the Missa pro mundi series. Since 1991, the choir has been conducted by Piotr Karpeta – a graduate of the Academy of Music in Katowice, co-founder and soloist of the Ars Cantus ensemble and „Oktoich” Male Choir of the Orthodox Church of St. Cyril and Methodius in Wrocław, as well as „Stoltzer Ensemble”. For 10 years he was a choirmaster at the Opole Philharmonic. As a conductor and singer, he has performed in over 20 countries, participated in many programs recorded by Polish Radio and Television and in several dozen CD recordings. He was awarded the Medal for Merit to Culture – Gloria Artis, Merit to Wrocław and others.
Orthodox Church Music of the Third Polish Republic
- Krzysztof Penderecki – Thou did descend into the tomb soloist: Jacek Springer
- Igor Jankowski – Let all mortal flesh keep silence
- Dawid Kusz – Now the powers of Heaven
- Paweł Łukaszewski – Myrrh bearers
- Henryk Jan Botor – Thy mystical supper
- Eugeniusz Popławski – To Suprasl Madonna
- Piotr Jańczak – It is truly meet
- Romuald Twardowski – O Thee rejoice
- Romuald Twardowski – Mnohaya lita from Kyiv Liturgy

Prof. Romuald Twardowski Head of the Jury; composer professor at the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music in Warsaw, honored by the Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage with a Medal for Merit to Culture Gloria Artis. Warsaw, Poland.

Prof. Wioletta Miłkowska – conductor, lecturer of conducting at the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music in Białystok, jury member of Polish and foreign contests, honored by the Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage with a Medal for Merit to Culture Gloria Artis, multiple laureate of IFOCM. Białystok, Poland.

Rev. Jerzy Szurbak – artistic director and conductor of the Warsaw Male Orthodox Church Music Ensemble, honored by the Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage with a Medal for Merit to Culture Gloria Artis, multiple laureate of IFOCM. Warsaw, Poland.

Prof. Yevhen Savchuk – Honored Artist of Ukraine, honored with the highest Ukrainian title –National Hero of Ukraine, honored with Shevchenko National Prize, artistic director and conductor of the National Choir of Ukraine “Dumka”, dean of choral conducting at the National Academy of Music. Kyiv, Ukraine.

Prof. Povilas Gylys – conductor, prorector of the Music Academy, Honored Artist of Lithuania, Knight of the Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas, laureate of IFOCM. Vilnius, Lithuania.

Prof. Stanisław Krawczyński– conductor, pedagogue, founder of ensembles and festivals, head of the Department of Choral Studies and the Department of Music Education, in 2004-2012 and 2016-2020 Rector of the Academy of Music in Cracow, recipient of many awards, including Medal for Merit to Culture Gloria Artis. Cracow, Poland.
of the Jury board of the 41st International Festival of Orthodox Church Music – „Hajnówka 2022” which was held on 21-25.09.2022 in Białystok
Jury, consisting of:
- prof. Romuald Twardowski – chairman
- prof. Stanisław Krawczyński
- prof. Wioletta Miłkowska
- Rev. Jerzy Szurbak
- prof. Povilas Gylys
after listening to the choirs’ performances awarded the following places:
Category of parish choirs
III place:
- „Anaphora” Coptic Choir from Cairo (Egypt) conducted by Ramy Mounir Moawad and Khresto Beshara
Two second places:
- Saint Cyril and Methodius Choir by the Cathedral of Birth of Most Holy Mother of God in Kosice (Slovakia) conducted by Lucia Lovasova
- Psaltic Choir „Saint Kyriaki the Great Martyr” of the Episcopal Cathedral in Husi (Romania) conducted by deacon Cosmin Vladut Mironescu
I place:
- „Znamiennia” Choir of the Cathedrals of Intercession of the Theotokos and Resurrection in Rivne (Ukraine) conducted by Volodymyr and Natalya Ivanyk
Category of amateur secular choirs
III place:
- „Serenata” Chamber Choir from Valencia (Spain) conducted by Ana Ferrer Fornes
II place:
- „Ars Nova” Choir from Balti (Moldova) conducted by Anna Kushchenko
I place:
- „Concordia” Choir from Free Belarus conducted by Galina Kazimirovskaya
Category of professional choirs
III place:
- „Siraj” Choir from Palestine conducted by Samer Bishara
Two first places :
- „Gloria” Choir from Chisinau (Moldova) conducted by Valeria Diaconu
- Yerevan State Chamber Choir from Armenia conducted by Kristina Voskanyan
Furthermore Jury awarded:
- „Partes” Orthodox Chant Chamber Ensemble from Poznan (Poland) conducted by Michał Łaszewicz for long-term commitment to the promotion and excellent presentation during the Festival of Orthodox Church music of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
- Chamber Choir Cantores Minores Wratislavienses from Wrocław (Poland) conducted by Piotr Karpeta for preparation and excellent presentation during the Festival of Orthodox Church music by the Polish contemporary composers.
Due to the complicated political situation and coronavirus out of the 32 choirs that had applied not all could participate. During this year’s Festival the audience could listen to 15 choirs from Poland, Armenia, Egypt, Spain, North Macedonia, Moldova, Serbia, Slovakia, Palestine, Romania and Ukraine. Presence of the „Concordia” Choir from Belarus deserves particular attention because the choir’s members temporarily living abroad despite the suspended activity managed to prepare repertoire and participate in the competitions.
Presence of listeners filling the concert hall of Philharmonic confirms, that every year competition auditions attract the interest of people.
The choirs competed in 3 categories: parish, amateur secular, and professional presenting interesting repertoire.
Special achievement of the Festival is promoting not only well known compositions from huge heritage of Orthodox Church music, but also presentation of newly discovered songs in this field.
Significant events during this year’s Festival were Inaugural Concert performed by the Częstochowa Philharmonic’s Choir conducted by Janusz Siadlak and upcoming Gala Concert featured by the laureates of the Festival.
Jury would like to thank the organizers for huge effort put in the realization of this year’s edition of the Festival, especially to its director – Mr. Mikołaj Buszko, manager of the Festival office – Ms. Irena Parfieniuk and coworkers.
We are glad that the 41st International Festival of Orthodox Church Music “Hajnówka 2022” is widely accepted and receives support of the government authorities, media and other institutions.
This year’s performances will undoubtedly remain in memory of music enthusiasts as an exceptional event, both in terms of artism and spirituality.