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XXXIV International Festival |
Międzynarodowy Festiwal Muzyka Cerkiewnej – „Hajnówka 2015” w Białymstoku organizuje Fundacja „Muzyka Cerkiewna” z Hajnówki. Festiwal realizowany jest przy współpracy Stołecznej Estrady w Warszawie oraz partnerstwie Wojewódzkiego Ośrodka Animacji Kultury i Muzeum Podlaskiego w Białymstoku.
W Międzynarodowym Festiwalu Muzyki Cerkiewnej „Hajnówka” dotychczas wzięły udział 752 chóry z 36 krajów Europy, Azji, Ameryki Północnej, Afryki i Australii: Armenii, Australii, Belgii, Białorusi, Bośni i Hercegowiny, Bułgarii, Cypru, Czech, Egiptu, Estonii, Finlandii, Francji, Grecji, Gruzji, Indii, Iranu, Izraela, Serbii, Kazachstanu, Kenii, Korei, Litwy, Łotwy, Macedonii, Mołdawii, Niemiec, Polski, Rosji, Rumunii, Słowacji, Szwajcarii, Szwecji, Ukrainy, USA, Węgier i Włoch. W konkursie muzykę cerkiewną wykonywały chóry niezależnie od wyznania i narodowości : prawosławni, staroobrzędowcy, katolicy, grekokatolicy, protestanci, a także muzułmanie, buddyści, wyznawcy judaizmu.
W tegorocznym Festiwalu weźmie udział 27 chórów z 11 państw (Europy i Azji). Zmagania konkursowe Festiwalu odbędą się w 5. kategoriach chórów: parafialnych, amatorskich świeckich, dziecięco-młodzieżowych, uczelni muzycznych i chórów zawodowych.
Międzynarodowemu jury przewodniczył będzie Romuald Twardowski, wybitny polski kompozytor i pedagog, obchodzący w tym roku 85. rocznicę urodzin. Pracami jury kieruje niemal od zarania Festiwalu bo od 1983 roku. W skład jury wchodzą współcześni wybitni kompozytorzy, których muzyka cerkiewna jest często wykonywana i dyrygenci, dotychczasowi zwycięzcy Festiwalu z Polski, Bułgarii Łotwy, Rosji i Ukrainy, .
Uroczystość otwarcia Festiwalu i Koncert Inauguracyjny odbędzie się we wtorek 19 maja 2015 roku. Wykonaniem hymnu „Gaude Mater Polonia” rozpocznie ją zeszłoroczny laureat Chór Młodzieżowego Domu Kultury z Białegostoku dyrygowany przez Barbarę Kornacką. Kijowski Chór „Sofia” wraz z dyrygentem Aleksiejem Szamryckim odpowie poprzednikom Stichirą „Ziemle Ruskaja”, by wspólnie zaśpiewać radosną paschalną pieśń „Chrystos Uwaskros” z muzyką współczesnego białoruskiego kompozytora i wokalisty, Alega Zieletniowa, także laureata Festiwalu. Podczas Koncertu Inauguracyjnego nazwanego „Muzyka cerkiewna – od źródeł do współczesności” a dedykowanego Romualdowi Twardowskiemu zostaną wykonane również premierowe utwory Łesi Dyczko (Ukraina), Anatolija Kisielowa (Rosja) i Władimira Czołaka (Mołdawia) skomponowane specjalnie na tę uroczystość. Koncert zaprezentuje laureat ubiegłorocznego festiwalu Kijowski Kameralny Chór „Sofia” (patronowany przez Narodowy Związek Kompozytorów Ukrainy) prowadzony przez Aleksieja Szamryckiego. Wykonane zostaną także dwie kompozycje Jubilata, w tym premierowe dzieło: „Boże, wo Imia Twoje”.
Przesłuchania konkursowe Festiwalu odbywać się będą przez trzy dni: 21 maja (czwartek), 22 maja (piątek) i 23 maja (sobota) 2015 roku.
Ogłoszenie wyników, Gala Wręczania Nagród i Koncert Galowy nastąpią w niedzielę 24 maja 2015 roku.
Ogłoszenie wyników, ponownie tradycyjnie, zostanie poprzedzone wspólnym wykonaniem kilkusetosobowego grona chórzystów i widzów „Gaude Mater Polonia” i Stichiry „Ziemla Russkaja” . Hymnów symbolizujących jedność kultur Wschodu (Wielkie Księstwo Litewskie) i Zachodu (Korona) złączonych Rzeczpospolitą.
Podobnie, jak w latach ubiegłych, Festiwalowi towarzyszyć będą dodatkowe wydarzenia: koncert w Europejskim Centrum Muzyki Krzysztofa Pendereckiego w Lusławicach, koncerty w trzech różnych salach koncertowych Warszawy, X Białowieskie Dni Muzyki Sakralnej w Białowieży, koncert muzyki żydowskiej w Wielkiej Synagodze w Tykocinie, Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa „Muzyka cerkiewna Tradycje i teraźniejszość” w Białymstoku organizowana z naszą współpracą przez Uniwersytet Muzyczny im. Fryderyka Chopina, a także lokalne koncerty min. w Bielsku Podlaskim…
Uczestników „Festiwalu Śpiewającej Duszy” nieodmiennie łączy wyjątkowość muzyki cerkiewnej – duchowość , artyzm i uniwersalizm.
Serdecznie zapraszamy
Международный фестиваль церковной музыки – „Хайновка 2015″ в Белостоке организует Фонд «Церковная музыка” в Хайновке. Фестиваль реализуется в сотрудничестве со Столичной Эстрадой в Варшаве и Воеводским Центром Культуры и Подляшским Музеем в Белостоке.
В Международном фестивале церковной музыки „Хайновка” до сих пор приняли участие 752 хора из 36 стран Европы, Азии, Северной Америки, Африки и Австралии:, Армении, Австралии Беларуси, Бельгии, Боснии и Герцеговины, Болгарии, Кипра, Чешской Республики, Египта, Эстонии, Финляндии, Франции, Греции, Грузии, Индии, Ирана, Израиля, Сербии, Казахстана, Кении, Кореи, Латвии, Литвы, Македонии, Молдовы, Германии, Польши, Румынии, России, Словакии, Швейцарии, Швеции, Украины, США, Венгрии и Италии. Во время конкурсов православную церковную музыку исполняли хоры независимо от вероисповедания и национальности: православные, старообрядцы, католики, греко-католики, протестанты, мусульмане, буддисты, иудеи.
В этом году в Фестивале примут участие 27 хоров из 11 стран (Европа и Азия). Конкурсные слушания будут проходить в пяти хоровых категориях: приходские, любительские светские, детские и молодёжные, музыкальных школ и профессиональные хоровые коллективы.
Международное жюри под председательством Ромуальда Твардовского, знаменитого польского композитора и педагога, который в этом году празднует свое 85-летие. Ромуальд Твардовкий председательствует жюри почти с начала Фестиваля с 1983 года. Жюри состоит из знаменитых современных популярных композиторов церковной музыки и дирижёров, победителей предыдущих Фестивалей из Польши, Болгарии Латвии, России и Украины.
Церемония открытия Фестиваля и торжественный концерт состоится во вторник 19 мая 2015 года. Исполнением Гимна „Gaude Mater Polonia” начнёт победитель прошлого года Хор Молодежного Дома Культуры Белостока, дирижёр Барбара Корнацкая. Киевский хор „София” с дирижером Алексеем Шамрыцким ответит Стихирой «Земле Руская», после чего два хора вместе исполнят радостное пасхальное песнопение „Хрыстос Уваскрос” на музыку современного белорусского композитора и исполнителя Олега Зелетнёва, также лауреата Фестиваля. Во время инаугурационного концерта под названием „Церковная Музыка – от источника в современность”, исполняемого в честь Ромуальда Твардовского также будут исполнены новые песни Лесu Дычко (Украина), Анатолия Киселёва (Россия) и Владимира Чолака (Молдова), написанные специально для этой церемонии. Концерт исполнит победитель прошлогоднего Фестиваля, Киевский Камерный хор „София” (покровительствуемый Национальным союзом композиторов Украины) во главе с Алексеем Шамрыцким. Во время концерта также прозвучат две композиции, написанные юбиляром, в том числе премьера произведения «Боже, во имя Твое».
Конкурсные слушаания будут проходить в течение трех дней: 21 мая (четверг), 22 мая (пятница) и 23 мая (суббота) 2015 года.
Подведение итогов, Торжественное награждение лауреатов и Гала-Концерт состоятся в воскресенье, 24 мая 2015 года.
Подведению итогов, традиционно, будет предшествовать совместное исполнение группой хоров и зрителей «Gaude Mater Polonia» и Стихиры «Земле Русская», Гимнов, символизирующих единство культур Востока (Великое княжество Литовское) и Запада (Корлевство Польское) объединённых в Речь Посполитую.
Как и в предыдущие годы, Фестиваль будут сопровождать дополнительные мероприятия: концерт в Европейском музыкальном центре Кшиштофа Пендерецкого в Люславицах, концерты в трёх разных концертных залах Варшавы, X Беловежские Дней Духовной Музыки в Беловеже, концерт еврейской музыки в Большой синагоге в Тыкотине, Международная научная конференция «Церковная музыка – традиции и современность» в Белостоке, организованая в сотрудничестве с нами Музыкальным Университетом имени Фредерика Шопена, а также местные концерты, например, в Бельску Подляшским…
Участников «Фестиваля Поющей Души» неизменно объединяет уникальность православной музыки – духовность, артистизм и универсализм.
Сердечно приглашаем
International Orthodox Church Music Festival „Hajnowka 2015” in Bialystok is organized by the „Orthodox Church Music” Foundation from Hajnowka. The Festival is realized with cooperation with Stoleczna Estrada in Warsaw and the Regional Cultural Animation Center and Podlachian Museum in Bialystok.
So far, the International Orthodox Church Music Festival has drawn the participation of 752 choirs from 36 countries in Europe, Asia, North America, Africa, and Australia: Armenia, Australia, Belgium, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Georgia, India, Iran, Israel, Serbia, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Korea, Lithuania, Latvia, Macedonia, Moldavia, Germany, Poland, Russia, Romania, Slovakia, Switzerland, Sweden, Ukraine, the United States, Hungary, and Italy. There were choirs that performed orthodox church music in the contest regardless of religion and nationality: Orthodox Christians, Old Believers, Catholics, Greek Catholics, Protestants, and also Muslims, Buddhist, and Judaists.
This year’s festival will include 27 choirs from 11 countries (in Europe and Asia). The Festival’s competition will take place in 5 choir categories: parish, amateur secular, youth, music school, and professional choirs.
The international jury will be headed by Romuald Twardowski, a preeminent Polish composer and pedagogue, celebrating his 85th birthday this year. He has been directing the jury’s work almost since the start of the Festival — since 1983. The jury consists of prominent modern composers, whose orthodox church music is frequently performed, and conductors — former Festival winners from Poland, Bulgaria, Latvia, Russia, and Ukraine.
The Festival opening ceremony and the Inaugural Concert will take place on Tuesday, 19 May 2015. It will begin with the performance of the „Gaude Mater Polonia” hymn by last year’s laureate, Youth Cultural House Choir from Bialystok conducted by Barbara Kornacka. Kiev „Sofia” Choir will answer their predecessors with the „Ziemle Ruskaja” Stichira, to then jointly sing the joyous paschal song „Chrystos Uwaskros” with music from modern Belarusian Composer and singer Aleg Zieletniov, also a Festival laureate. The Inaugural Concert, named „Orthodox Church music — from sources to modern times” and dedicated to Romuald Twardowski, will also see the premiere performances of Lesya Dychko (Ukraine) Anatoliy Kisielov (Russia) and Vladimir Cholak (Moldavia), composed especially for this occasion. The concert will be presented by last year’s festival laureate, the Kiev Cameral Choir „Sofia” (under the patronage of the National Composer Association of Ukraine) conducted by Oleksiy Shamrytskyy. Two of the Jubilee’s compositions will also be performed, including the premiering piece „Bozhe wo Imia Twoje.”
The Festival’s competitive auditions will take place over three days: 21 May (Thursday), 22 MAy (Friday), and 23 May (Saturday) of 2015.
The results announcement, the Awards Gala, and the Gala Concert will take place on Sunday, 24 May 2015.
The results announcement will, once again, traditionally, be preceded by a joint performance by a group of several hundred choir singers and viewers of „Gaude Mater Polonia” and „Ziemla Russkaja” Stichira — hymns that symbolize the unity of the cultures of the East (Great Kingdom of Lithuania) and West (the Crown) joined into the Commonwealth.
Similarly to previous years, the Festival will be accompanied by additional events: A concert in the Krzysztof Penderecki European Music Center in Luslawice, concerts in three different concert halls in Warsaw, X Bialowieza Days of Sacral Music in Bialowieza, Jewish music concert in the Great Synagogue in Tykocin, the International Science Conference „Orthodox Church Music — Traditions and Present Day” in Bialystok organized by the Fryderyk Chopin Musical University with our cooperation, as well as local concerts, for example in Bielsk Podlaski….
Participants in the „Singing Spirit Festival” are invariably united by the uniqueness of orthodox church music — its spirituality, artistry, and universalism.
You are cordially invited

The organizer of the International Festival of Orthodox Church Music “Hajnówka” is the “Orthodox Church Music” Foundation in Hajnówka.
We have held the Festival annually ever since 1982. So far, 752 choirs from 36 countries from Europe, Asia, North America, Africa and Australia have participated in the Festival. We hosted choirs from Armenia, Australia, Belgium, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany Greece, , Hungary, Italy, India, Israel, Serbia , Kazakhstan, Kenya, Korea, Lithuania, Latvia, Macedonia, Moldova, Germany, Poland, Russia, Romania, Slovakia, Switzerland, Sweden, Ukraine, and the United States.
The aim of the International Festival of Orthodox Church Music “Hajnówka” is to present the great artistic and spiritual values of Orthodox Church music. Its program also creates opportunities for discussions, meetings, exchanges of experiences and forming new relationships between participants from different environments – thus, it is equally enriched by its aesthetic and educational objectives.
So far, the Festival has taken place under the Patronage of the President of Poland as well as the Patronage of the Polish Ministry of Culture and under the Artistic Patronage of prof. K. Penderecki.
Among the members of the jury of the previous Festivals, one would find such names as: prof. R. Twardowski, prof. W. Bielecka, M. Erigina, prof. Cz. Freund, prof. K. Górski, prof. R. Grucza, prof. S. Krukowski, prof. E. Kulikowski, rev. dr M. Lenczewski, prof. J. Łukaszewski, prof. B. Sawicka, rev. J. Szurbak, prof. W. Miłkowska, J. Zawisza (Poland), prof. L. Jefimowa, prof. W. Rowdo, O. Janum (Belarus), prof. D. Dymitrow, rev. A. Łaszkow, W. Nikołow (Bulgaria), dr D. Oikonomou, G. Picardo (England), prof. N. Ossorguin (France), J. Dautov (Kazakhstan), A. Brandaws (Latvia), prof. P. Gylis (Lithuania), prof. Z. Zaprow (Macedonia), prof. W. Bołdurat, prof. T. Zgurianu, I.Stepan (Moldova), prof. A. Kożewnikow, prof. W. Minin, rev. Nikifor, prof. I. Rajewski, prof. B. Tewlin, prof. B. Sieliwanow, prof. G. Dmitrak, A. Kiselow (Russia), dr A. Derevjanikowa (Slovakia), P. Vitovec (Switzerland), I.Cyklińskij, prof. Ł. Dyczko, M. Gobdycz, Archbishop Ionafan (Ukraine), , and other experts in choral and orthodox church music.
Among the Festival’s award winners we find:
1. Amateur choirs:
a) parish choirs:
“Saghmos” Choir from Erevan (Armenia), Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad Choir from Croydon– Sydney (Australia), from Lahovichi village, the Choir of the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God „Joy of all in sorrow” from Minsk, Minsk Theological Seminary Choir from Zhirovichy (Belarus), “Vila” from Prijedor (Bosnia and Herzegovina), of the Church St. Petka from Plovdiv (Bulgaria), Kykkos Monastery Choir (Cyprus), Coptic from Faisal – Giza (Egypt), of the Church St. Nicholas from Tallin, “Supriadki” from Narva (Estonia), from Oulu, from Tampere (Finland), of the Church St. A. Newsky from Paris (France), of the Church of St. Panteleimon from Tbilisi, “Nekressi” from Lagodekhi (Georgia), Bulgarian Orthodox Church Choir in Berlin (Germany), “Zumoro” Theological Seminary from Kottayam-Kerala (India), Metropolitan from Riga, Old Believer Choir from Daugavpils (Latvia), “St. Zlata Maglenska”, “St. Kliment Ohridski” from Skopje (Macedonia), of the Monastery of St. Teodor from Chisinau (Moldova), Priests of the Orthodox Białystok-Gdańsk Diocese Choir, Children’s, Youth and Mixed Choirs of the Church St. Nicholas and “Carmen” Cathedral Choir from Białystok, Orthodox Institute of Psalmists Choir from Hajnówka, Christian Academy of Theology and of the Church St. Maria Magdalena of the Uspenska Church Choir from Warsaw from Białowieża, Białystok, Fasty, Hajnówka, Narewka, Lublin, Sanok, Wrocław, and Zabłudów (Poland), Orthodox Church Clergy Academy Choir from Sankt Petersburg, The Schools of Orthodox Church Chant of Kruticky Patriarch „Podworja” Choir of Novospassky Monastery from Moscow, Church Choir from Nizhnij Novgorod, Female Choir from Novgorod, Sortowała, of the Church St. Apostle Andrew from Kaliningrad, “Rostov-Don Art Music” of the Church St. George from Rostov and “Lampada” Children’s Choir from Kursk (Russia), of Orthodox Theology Faculty of The University from Iassi (Romania), „Mokranjac”, St. Arch. Gabriel’s Church from Belgrade ( Serbia), Jarabina, of Orthodox Theology Faculty of The University from Presov , „Chrysostomos” Greco-Catholic Cathedral Choir from Bratislava (Slovakia), “Sofia” from Stockholm (Sweden), Choir from Kiev – Pieczerska Ławra, Youth Choir “O czudiesie” Orthodox Church St. Nicholas from Kiev, of Svyatopokrovsky Monastery from Kharkov, from Moshna, Children Cathedral from Winnica, from Zolotonosha, Kiev Orthodox Christian Academy Choir (Ukraine).
b) secular amateur choirs:
“Dietstwo” from Borysow, “Raduga” from Baranovichi, Railway Cultural Centre from Brest, “Dziannica” from Homel, Trade Union Cultural Centre ,“Ranica”, “Cantus Juventae”, Chamber Choir “Salutaris”,Belarus National University Folk Choral Capella from Minsk “Mozaika” from Mohylew, , Chamber from Novopolatsk, “Cantare” from Orsza (Belarus), „Molitva” from Roosdaal (Belgium), „Dariali” from Tibilisi (Georgia), “Na’ama” form Givat Ada (Israel), “Pro musica” Vilnius University Choir, ”Kamertonas” from Kovno (Lithuania), “Accolada” from Riga, Music Academy from Daugavpils (Latvia), “Rustiko” from Skopje (Macedonia), “Gloria” and “Lira” from Chisinau (Moldova); Medical Academy, Academic of the University, Politechnical Institute, Provincial Police Command from Bialystok, Chamber from Bydgoszcz, Częstochowa Politechnical Institute, Medical Academy, Chamber University from Gdańsk, Politechnical Institute from Gliwice, “Psalmodia” Choir of the Theological Academy from Krakow, Lublin Catholic University Choir, “Bel Canto” from Olsztyn, “Capella Musicae Antique Orientalis” from Poznań, „Slowiki 60” from Szczecin, Zofia Kurowska Cameral Choir from Słupsk, The Inter-University Academic Choit of Warsaw, Politechnical Institute and Warsaw University, “Cansonanza”, “Cantilena”, “Gaudium”, Politechnical Institute Miners’ Choir and Medical Academy Choir from Wrocław (Poland), State University of Omsk Choir, Academic Male Choir (MIFI) and „Soglasije” Cameral Choir of the Moscow National Agricultural University (Russia), “Collegium Musicum” of the State University of Arts from Belgrad (Serbia), “Capella Russian Male Chorus” from New York, “Romeiko” from Philadelphia (USA), “Widrodzennia” Choir from Kriwyj Rih, “Orfeusz” Choir and Lecturers’ Choir from the State Musical Secondary School from Lviv, “Szkolnyje Gody” Choir from Simferopol, Politechnical Institute from Kiev, “Oriana” Choir from Odessa (Ukraine).
c) сhildren’s сhoirs:
Children’s Fine Arts School Choirs from Kamieniec, “Lira” Choir from Minsk (Belarus), Choir of Lithuanian Radio and TV from Vilnius (Lithuania), Youth Cultural House Choir from Bialystok (Poland), State Conservatory Choir from Rostov, “Wiesnianka” and „Radost” from Moscow (Russia), “Wohnyk” Palace of Children and Youth Choir, National Music Academy Boys’ Choir from Kiev, “Zorinka” from Ternopol (Ukraine).
2. Music Academies Choirs:
National Music Acadeny Choir from Astany (Kazachstan)¸ Belarus National Music Academy Students’ Choir, „Elegia” Choir from Minsk, „Visson” Choir of the Republican Center of Contemporary Christian Culture, „Blagowiest” from Minsk, “Sonet” Choir of the Grodno Music Academy, Lida Music College Female Choir (Belarus), “Schola Cantorum Budapestiensis” from Budapest (Hungary), „Renaissance” Choir of the Chisinau Music Academy (Moldova), Student Choir of the St. Petersburg Conservatory, Female Choir of the St. Petersburg National Music College, Gnesinykh Music Academy Choir, Music College Choir of the Moscow Conservatory (Russia), “Collegium Musicum” Choir of the National University of Fine Arts in Belgrade (Serbia), “Soniacznyj strum” Academic Choir from Nikolayev, Worobkiewicz Provincial Fine Arts School Choir from Czerniowce, Academic Choir of the Institute of Fine Arts of the East European National University in Lutsk (Ukraine).
3. Professional Choirs:
“Ter-Oganisjan” Choir and “Avedis” Choir from Yerevan (Armenia), Chamber Choir and „Grodnienskaja Kapella” Choir from Grodno, Philharmonic Choir from Homel, National Radion and TV Choir from Belarus, R. Shirma National Choir, Music Academy Choir, Archstrategist Michael Orthodox Brotherhood Choir, “Radziwiły” Choir and “Cantemus” Choir from Minsk (Belarus), “Ivan Spasov” Choir and “Filopopolis” Choir from Plovdiv, “Alleluia” Choir and “Joan Kukuzel-Angeloglasniat” Choir from Sofia (Bulgaria), Estonian Male National Choir from Tallinn (Estonia), “Kiedrova” Choir from Paris (France), “Orovela” from Tibilisi (Georgia), „Drama’s Domestics” Byzantine Choir from Drama, (Greece) “Musica Aeterna” from Jerusalem (Israel), “St. Ephraim” Byzantine Choir from Budapest (Hungary), “Eufone” from Turin (Italy), National Theatre of Opera and Ballet Choir from Astana (Kazakhstan), “Orthodox Church Music” Choir from Riga (Latvia), “Aukuras” from Klajpeda, “Brevis”, “Vilnius” and “Orthodox Music Ensemble” choirs from Vilnius (Lithuania), Music Academy Theatre and Fine Arts Choir, Moldova Republic National Philharmonic Choir, “Credo” Choir of the Orthodox Metropolis, „Moldova” Choir of National Radio and TV, “Gavriil Musicescu” from Chisinau, National Transnistrian Choir from Tiraspol (Moldova), Polish Radio and TV Broadcast Choir from Kraków,, “ Warsaw Chamber Opera Orthodox Church Music Cameral Ensemble”, Szurbak Male Choir of Church Music, „Modo Maiorum” from Warsaw, Wrocław Philharmonic Choir (Poland), Chamber Choir from Kaluga, Chamber Choir of the Moscow National Conservatory, Svieshnikov National Choir, “Kozevnikov” Moscow National Choir, Jurlov National Capella Choir and „Vivat” Choir from Moscow, “Drevnierusski raspew” from Moscow, “Niżnij Novgorod” Choir, Ural National Chamber Choir from Perm, “Svietilen” Choir from Starocherkask Monastery from Rostov, M. Glinka National Capella from St Petersburg, “Saratov Theatre of Choral Music” from Saratov, Cameral Choir from Tambow, Tomsk National University Choral Capella, North Ossetia’s Philharmonic Male Choir from Vladikavkaz, National Kostroma Philharmonic Academic Chamber Choir (Russia), “Corala Patriarhiei Romane” Choir, “Preludiu” Choir of the National Center of Arts and „Divina Armonie” Choir from Bucharest (Romania), Dnitropietrowsk Philharmonic Choir, “Legenda” Choir from Drohobych, „Kiev” ,“Credo”, “Krieshtchatik”, Rewucky Men’s Choral Capella and “Sophia” Choir of the National Composer Association from Kiev, “Oranta” from Lutsk, “Oreya” from Zhitomir, “Tawriczeskij Błagowiest” from Symferopol, “Woskriesinnia” from Ivano-Frankivsk, D. Bortnansky Academic Choir from Chernihiv (Ukraine).
- We have organized the International Festival of Orthodox Church Music „Hajnówka” in May of every year since 1982.
- Mixed, male and female choirs (max. 35 singers per choir), both from Poland and from abroad can participate in the Festival in the following categories:
- amateur choirs:
a) parish choirs
b) secular choirs
c) children’s choirs - music academy choirs
- professional choirs
- amateur choirs:
- The category and the authenticity of each amateur choir should be confirmed by its artistic manager.
- The repertoire should contain no less than five Orthodox Church music pieces, while the time to perform them should take around 18-20 minutes.
The organizers recommend selecting a repertoire from various historical periods.
Any changes in the repertoire should be reported by 15 March 2015. - Applications should be sent to the Organizers’ Office by 15 December 2014.
- The applications should be supplemented by the choir’s program and recordings (audio or video)
- The organizers will inform the choirs about whether they qualified for the Festival by the end of January 2015.
- Qualified choirs, invited to participate in the Festival, are requested to submit the following data before the end of February 2015.
a) phonetic composition titles, with duration of each composition
b) full names of their composers
c) one copy of musical notation for each of the compositions in the program. - Choir performances will be judged by an international jury presided over by Prof. Romuald Twardowski, on the basis of the following criteria:
a) choice of repertoire
b) interpretation
c) conducting
d) artistic impression - All participating choirs will be granted commemorative diplomas. The best choirs will be awarded prizes. The choirs appointed by the jury are obliged to take part in Gala Concert in the same composition as during the qualifying auditions..
- Organizers cover the lodging and sustenance (3 meals a day) for choirs.
- Qualified participants must cover their travel expenses and are to partly finance their visit by transferring funds (18 EURO per person per day) to the organizers’ bank account before 15 February 2015.
- Submitting a written resignation from participation in the Festival by 1 March 2015 allows the possibility of refunding the transferred funds.
- During the Festival, the choirs will have an opportunity to perform in additional concerts (with different repertoire).
- The organizers reserve unlimited rights to the recording, duplication and distribution of the recorded concerts. The choirs and their conductors will not receive any payment for participation in the concerts, or for eventual radio or TV broadcasts of recordings made during the Festival.
- All regulations are final and binding.
- Applications and any additional information may be obtained from:
Managing Office
of International Festival of Orthodox Church Music „Hajnówka”
Tamary Sołoniewicz 2, 17- 200 Hajnówka, Poland
tel./ fax. 0048 85 682 20 89 or 0048 85 682 32 02
e-mail: biuro@festiwal-hajnowka.pl
of the Festival
Mikołaj Buszko
1. Name of a choir, address, phone number, e-mail:
2. Name and surname of a conductor, address, phone number, e-mail:
3. Patronating institution (address):
4. The category in which the choir is going to perform (according to rules and regulations):
5. Number of participants (man and women):
6. The sort of transport the choir is going to arrive:
7. We accept conditions of regulation.
8. Enclosures:
– information about choir
– artistic biography of conductor
– a good quality photo of the choir (format 9 x 14)
– recording of a choir
– other informational and advertising materials
Patronating institution’s sign
Conductor’s sign