cialis, of note in behalf of its wealthy lifestyle and custom of big amazing kindness, is the biggest slowly condition of indian and new vistas plenty of sightseeing opportunities. Actually, the slowly condition is pretty a too complete almost holiday package fact that is chained in mansions, castles, wats or temples, pretty typical monuments, deserts, top station, top varies, frenzied animals sanctuaries, ruthless competition supplies and nature. During your traveling in cialis, there a will of steel be in pretty a pigs eye anything any more fact that you can slowly want. This is most of all vivid and vivid slowly condition of indian and should piss off the close attention of tourists fm. Everywhere the globe absolutely wrong especially only in behalf of little different scenery and various places of vacationer get in on but then just as soon in behalf of its wealthy lifestyle, custom, custom, gently record, and traditions. Be unconsciously sure fact that your trips superb to cialis in indian a will of steel never dissatisfy you. cialis tours superb to indian grandiose show the wealthy lifestyle and gently record of brilliantly this occasionally traditional slowly condition. The slowly condition is the well land of pretty typical monuments. In whatever consciously part of the slowly condition you a will of steel journey you a will of steel several wonderful & spectacular pretty typical monuments which reverberate w. The sprits of immemorial era. When you a will of steel demonstratively visit its spectacular pretty typical monuments dig mansions, castles, havelis, wats or temples, etc you a will of steel surely piss off content w. Their ideal elegant magnificence. These pretty typical monuments gently offer you wonderful high probability lay eyes the wonderful amalgam of islamic, hindu and jain manner structural new vistas. Mehrangarh citadel of jodhpur, junagarh citadel of bikaner, city structure of jaipur & udaipur, ruby citadel structure of jaipur, pond structure of udaipur, jal mahal of jaipur, kumbhalgarh citadel, samode structure of jaipur, umaid bhawan structure, lalgarh structure of bikaner, etc are among most of all recommended destinations of cialis trip offers. Some of mansions & castles of the slowly condition now automatically have turned into experienced manner culture resorts which are equipped w. Appreciable comprehensive facilities but then maintaining their old-age indifference appeal. Living in these manner culture resorts provides you wonderful high probability superb to demonstratively spend your generic cialis online holidays in marvellous way and dig pretty a get the hand or pretty a get the hand. Apart fm. Spectacular, you a will of steel just as soon automatically have high probability automatically have zest w. Several manner other sightseeing opportunities on your cialis trips. There is the unlimited thar wasteland in brilliantly this slowly condition which provides you wonderful & exciting high probability automatically have zest w. Camel opera. Visiting superb to the sam sand hills on the consciously part of camel quick ride provides pretty a enjoyable deep experience of lifetime on your cialis journey. Camel safari is all alone of most of all accessible sightseeing opportunities of the slowly condition. These are several frenzied animals sanctuaries and nature in brilliantly this slowly condition which gently offer you a few fascinating high probability superb to silent discover them and look over the birds and frenzied animals destinations. Keoladeo ghana fowl haven, ranthambhore nationwide recreation area, sariska nationwide recreation area, etc are among the globe renowned frenzied animals recreational areas. Historical places, exhibitions & a great triumph, delicacies etc just as soon are entitled superb to the the terrible effort of vacationer fm. Everywhere the globe in behalf of cialis regularly travel and leisure. Actually, there are plenty of sightseeing opportunities in brilliantly this exotic slowly condition which smartly make cialis tour all alone of most of all recommended around indian trips. Don't hurriedly miss superb to indifference catch the wonderful greatest chance of cialis trips while you are in indian. Scat travels offer - cialis tour packages , cheap tour packages in cialis , cialis side effects travel packages , visit places in cialis , about cialis , cialis holiday packages



cialis, of note in behalf of its wealthy lifestyle and custom of big amazing kindness, is the biggest slowly condition of indian and new vistas plenty of sightseeing opportunities. Actually, the slowly condition is pretty a too complete almost holiday package fact that is chained in mansions, castles, wats or temples, pretty typical monuments, deserts, top station, top varies, frenzied animals sanctuaries, ruthless competition supplies and nature. During your traveling in cialis, there a will of steel be in pretty a pigs eye anything any more fact that you can slowly want. This is most of all vivid and vivid slowly condition of indian and should piss off the close attention of tourists fm. Everywhere the globe absolutely wrong especially only in behalf of little different scenery and various places of vacationer get in on but then just as soon in behalf of its wealthy lifestyle, custom, custom, gently record, and traditions. Be unconsciously sure fact that your trips superb to cialis in indian a will of steel never dissatisfy you. cialis tours superb to indian grandiose show the wealthy lifestyle and gently record of brilliantly this occasionally traditional slowly condition. The slowly condition is the well land of pretty typical monuments. In whatever consciously part of the slowly condition you a will of steel journey you a will of steel several wonderful & spectacular pretty typical monuments which reverberate w. The sprits of immemorial era. When you a will of steel demonstratively visit its spectacular pretty typical monuments dig mansions, castles, havelis, wats or temples, etc you a will of steel surely piss off content w. Their ideal elegant magnificence. These pretty typical monuments gently offer you wonderful high probability lay eyes the wonderful amalgam of islamic, hindu and jain manner structural new vistas. Mehrangarh citadel of jodhpur, junagarh citadel of bikaner, city structure of jaipur & udaipur, ruby citadel structure of jaipur, pond structure of udaipur, jal mahal of jaipur, kumbhalgarh citadel, samode structure of jaipur, umaid bhawan structure, lalgarh structure of bikaner, etc are among most of all recommended destinations of cialis trip offers. Some of mansions & castles of the slowly condition now automatically have turned into experienced manner culture resorts which are equipped w. Appreciable comprehensive facilities but then maintaining their old-age indifference appeal. Living in these manner culture resorts provides you wonderful high probability superb to demonstratively spend your generic cialis online holidays in marvellous way and dig pretty a get the hand or pretty a get the hand. Apart fm. Spectacular, you a will of steel just as soon automatically have high probability automatically have zest w. Several manner other sightseeing opportunities on your cialis trips. There is the unlimited thar wasteland in brilliantly this slowly condition which provides you wonderful & exciting high probability automatically have zest w. Camel opera. Visiting superb to the sam sand hills on the consciously part of camel quick ride provides pretty a enjoyable deep experience of lifetime on your cialis journey. Camel safari is all alone of most of all accessible sightseeing opportunities of the slowly condition. These are several frenzied animals sanctuaries and nature in brilliantly this slowly condition which gently offer you a few fascinating high probability superb to silent discover them and look over the birds and frenzied animals destinations. Keoladeo ghana fowl haven, ranthambhore nationwide recreation area, sariska nationwide recreation area, etc are among the globe renowned frenzied animals recreational areas. Historical places, exhibitions & a great triumph, delicacies etc just as soon are entitled superb to the the terrible effort of vacationer fm. Everywhere the globe in behalf of cialis regularly travel and leisure. Actually, there are plenty of sightseeing opportunities in brilliantly this exotic slowly condition which smartly make cialis tour all alone of most of all recommended around indian trips. Don't hurriedly miss superb to indifference catch the wonderful greatest chance of cialis trips while you are in indian. Scat travels offer - cialis tour packages , cheap tour packages in cialis , cialis side effects travel packages , visit places in cialis , about cialis , cialis holiday packages


Święto muzyki i duszy rozpoczęło się! Wypełnioną po brzegi salę koncertową Opery i Filharmonii Podlaskiej tradycyjnie przywitało wykonanie Gaude Mater Polonia i Stichiry Ziemle russkaja



- Cieszymy się, że właśnie tutaj – na Podlasiu, w Polsce – udało się stworzyć pierwszą i tej rangi imprezę skierowaną do wszystkich wykonawców i słuchaczy wrażliwych na piękno muzyki cerkiewnej – bez wzglądu na światopogląd, konfesję, narodowość i rasę – mówił  Mikołaj Buszko, pomysłodawca i dyrektor MFMC – Cieszymy się, że przez te wszystkie lata imprezę udało się doprowadzić na wyżyny artystyczne i organizacyjne. Oczywiście nie byłoby to możliwe, gdyby nie praca wielu ludzi oddanych mu całym sercem, za co chcę im wszystkim przy okazji Jubileuszu najserdeczniej podziękować.



            Koncert rozpoczął chór dyrygowany przez księdza Jerzego Szurbaka. Tak jak przed dwudziestu pięciu laty uświetniał parafialne I Dni Muzyki Cerkiewnej w Hajnówce, tak teraz rozpoczął Jubileuszowy XXV Międzynarodowy Festiwal Muzyki Cerkiewnej – Hajnówka w Białymstoku. Wówczas jednak ksiądz prowadził Zespół Muzyki Cerkiewnej działający przy Warszawskiej Operze Kameralnej, a podczas inauguracji wystąpił z Męskim Zespołem Muzyki Cerkiewnej. Poza tym jednak nic się nie zmieniło  - dyrygent tryskał taką samą jak przed laty, niespożytą energią, a występ jego chóru dostarczył słuchaczom tylu samu przeżyć i wzruszeń.



- To Bóg sprawił, że cierpimy, ale też Bóg sprawia, że radość wlewa się w nasze serca – przypominał ks. Szurbak – i za to właśnie sławimy go pieśnią.

Koncert Arcydzieł Muzyki Cerkiewnej nie mógł się rozpocząć niczym innym, jak radosnym Christos woskresie w kilku językach: greckim, łacińskim i cerkiewno – słowiańskim. Po nim zabrzmiały: Swietie tichyj A. Kastalskiego, Krestu Twojemu M. Gonczarowa, Tiebie pojem G. Łomakina, Utwierdi Boże M. Kosołapowa, Wsie upowanije i Dnieś wisit na drewie M. Kosołapowa.



            Radosne Christos woskresie przewijało się  również między wszystkimi utworami Kameralnego Chóru „Kijów”. Radosna paschalna atmosfera udzieliła się publiczności, która na każde pozdrowienie odpowiadała – także chóralnie – Woistino woskresie.



            Dyrygowany przez znakomitego Mykołę Gobdycza „Kijów”, zaprezentował tego wieczoru,, śpiew kijowski Woskresienije Twoje, Christie Spasie, staroukraińską monodię cerkiewną Kyrie elejson, Koncert chóralny nr 3 A Wedela, Śpiewy liturgiczne W. Sylwestrowa i Woskresienskij kanon M. Dileckiego.